HTS Transwell®-96 Receiver Plt, Wht, TC-Treated, Str

Item No. 41241787
HTS Transwell®-96 Receiver Plate, White, Tissue Culture-treated, Sterile Product is an accessory for the HTS Transwell®-96 Permeable Support system Plate is treated for optimal cell attachment For use in cell growth or assay steps of an experiment Used for luminescent evaluation When used
price per CS10
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HTS Transwell®-96 Receiver Plate, White, Tissue Culture-treated, Sterile

  • Product is an accessory for the HTS Transwell®-96 Permeable Support system
  • Plate is treated for optimal cell attachment
  • For use in cell growth or assay steps of an experiment
  • Used for luminescent evaluation
  • When used with HTS Transwell®-96 unit, the plate allows for convenient pipet access to both apical and basolateral sides of each well (manual or automated)
  • Corner notched and meets the Standards ANSI/SBS 1-2004 through ANSI/SBS 4-2004
  • Sterile lid included with each plate

HTS Transwells, 96 Wells, Plates, boyden, boyden chambers, boynton, boyton, drug monitoring, HEPG2, nucleopore, nuclepore, cell culture insert, cell c
Item Info:
Item Title HTS Transwell®-96 Receiver Plt, Wht, TC-Treated, S
Category: Supplies
Sales Unit of Measure CS10
Last Date/Time Modified 1/30/2025 4:53:50 PM